CEO Story

A genuine product of conviction.
Improve the quality of life with rubbing Frankinches which is faithful to the essence of the raw material.

CEO Story

Start sincerely and complete with conviction.
I’m Young Min Kwon, the CEO of A-Lot Biologics Inc.

Due to unspeakable pain and discomfort in movement after experiencing a big car  accident before the establishment of A-Lot Biologics,
I tried countless times, but I couldn't find an answer, and I went back to the beginning and did a lot of research to be faithful to the nature of the raw material, and I found Boswellia.

The moment I tested and felt the performance of Boswellia, I decided to make a product to improve the quality of life in everyday life.
It's a product that helps people who have the same concerns as mine and people who have difficulty moving as they get older.

A-Lot Biologics has established a sustainable management system by focusing more on growth and development toward the future, remembering many people who helped us, such as partnerships with leading domestic and foreign companies and their own R&D technology.
We will strengthen our vision for a global company.

We ask for your generous encouragement and support to A-Lot Biologics and I will do my best to help all of you lead a healthy life.

Thank you.

Young Min Kwon, the CEO of A-Lot Biologics Inc.

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